Tennessee House Passes Second Amendment Sanctuary Act

Scotty Campbell


The Tennessee House passed the “Second Amendment Sanctuary Act,” asserting the state can ignore unconstitutional federal gun rules and regulations. The act would also punish any official who violates this legislation by removing them from their position.

The act reasserts that Tennessee doesn’t have to enforce any federal law, treaty, order, rule, or regulation that the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) or the Tennessee Supreme Court has ruled unconstitutional. The Second Amendment Sanctuary Act passed 74 to 13, with just one Democrat voting for it – State Representative Antonio Parkinson (D-Memphis). Last week, it passed in the Senate along party lines, 24 to 4 with two abstaining their votes.

State Representative Scotty Campbell (R-Mountain City) sponsored the Second Amendment Sanctuary Act. The second adopted amendment on the bill merely deleted duplicative language, according to Campbell. In the amending process, Campbell dropped language explaining that state and local governments couldn’t use public funds, personnel, or property to enforce the unconstitutional federal laws, treaties, executive orders, rules, or regulations.

A third amendment proposed by State Representative Bryan Terry (R-Murfreesboro) was withdrawn due to issues with drafting language. That amendment would have added language to the Second Amendment Sanctuary Act to make any government or court orders, rules, policies, or regulations ordering the buy-back, confiscation, or surrender of firearms or their parts to be a violation of the Second Amendment.

Parkinson lamented that Terry’s amendment was withdrawn. He said that he disliked gun buy-backs because they only hurt law-abiding citizens. He called it an “exploitation” of poor communities.

Additionally, Parkinson said he’d be voting for the Second Amendment Sanctuary Act. He told the entire House floor that Democrats aren’t against gun rights.

“Contrary to the messaging that’s out there, Democrats are not for taking your guns away from you,” said Parkinson.

The original version of the bill didn’t require any court opinions on federal gun control measures in order for the state to reject them. Instead, it merely said that any federal action that violates the Second Amendment would be considered “null, void, and unenforceable.”

The bill now heads back to the Senate for final consideration on adopting the House’s amended version of the bill.

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Scotty Campbell” by Scotty Campbell.






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7 Thoughts to “Tennessee House Passes Second Amendment Sanctuary Act”

  1. Michael S Conley

    The reincarnation of John C. Calhoun. Outstanding…

  2. Chris

    This is my idea of progressive legislation

    I hope it passes in the Senate

    We really need stand your ground legislation, too

  3. Steve Allen

    Thank you! If blue states can ignore federal laws such as the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana, and giving protected “sanctuary” to people in our country ILLEGALLY (including violent felons), then Tennessee can tell the liberal/socialists in Washington to go pound sand as it relates to our Constitutional right to own firearms. They know they will never be able to take control of our Nation as long as law abiding, Constitution loving Americans maintain the right to bear arms. And don’t give me that worn out liberal garbage about “no one needs assault rifles and high capacity magazines”. Yes people DO need AR-15 type rifles, especially for protection as you donks continue to try and diminish the effectiveness of America’s law enforcement. This is a classic example of democratic stupidity. Take away people’s ability to defend themselves while at the same time increasing the probability of those same innocent people being harmed. If you don’ like Tennessee’s Conservative and Christian approach to life, why don’t you move to a blue state where you belong?

    1. Tim Price

      Well said!

  4. Kevin

    I thought it noteworthy that Rep. Parkinson actually was concerned about the delay between an unconstitutional Executive Order and the ruling by either Supreme Courts. The sometimes “years” that it takes to get a ruling can allow a heck of a lot of gun-grabbing and “infringing” activities to go on.

    1. Ron Welch

      Yeah, Kevin, SCOTUS has already ruled more expansively , in the same ruling by which “we have a right to remain silent” pursuant to the 5th Amendment:

      “Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.” ― Miranda v. Arizona (384US436)

      Which ABSOLUTELY includes our 2nd Amendment rights.

      BTW, Joe Biden, NO federal government power is absolute, especially any for which it has NO enumerated delegated power according to this ruling and the clear wording of the 10th Amendment!
